Lace Up and Take it Easy: Your Guide to Starting Jogging


Jogging. It seems simple, right? Just put on some shoes and head out the door. But for beginners, that first jog can feel daunting. Don't worry, though! This guide is here to help you ease into a jogging routine that's safe, enjoyable, and sets you up for success.

Sunrise Jog on the Beach

Building Your Base: From Couch Potato to Capable Jogger

Even if you haven't exercised regularly, you can become a jogger. The key is to start slow and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Here's how to build your base:

  • Walking Power: Begin with brisk walking for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times a week. This strengthens your cardiovascular system and leg muscles, preparing them for jogging.
  • Listen to Your Body: Don't push yourself too hard. If you feel pain, slow down or take a rest day. Consistency is more important than pushing yourself to exhaustion.

From Walking to Jogging: Making the Transition

Once you're comfortable walking briskly, you're ready to incorporate jogging intervals. Here's a beginner-friendly strategy:

  • The Magic Minute: Start by alternating between jogging for 1 minute and walking for 2 minutes. Repeat this for your entire workout (around 20-30 minutes). This allows you to build endurance without overexerting yourself.
  • Focus on Form: While jogging, maintain a comfortable pace where you can hold a conversation. Keep your posture tall, shoulders relaxed, and avoid bouncing.

The Gear Essentials: What You Need to Get Started

You don't need a fancy wardrobe to jog, but a few key items can make a big difference:

  • Proper Footwear: Invest in a good pair of running shoes that fit well and provide adequate support. A visit to a running store can help you find the perfect fit.
  • Comfortable Clothing: Choose breathable, moisture-wicking clothing that allows for freedom of movement.

Bonus Tip: A water bottle and a playlist of your favorite upbeat music can also enhance your jogging experience.

Making it a Habit: Sticking with Your Jogging Routine

Here are some tips to stay motivated and make jogging a regular part of your life:

  • Find a Buddy: Having a friend to jog with can be a great motivator. Plus, it adds a social element to your workouts.
  • Mix it Up: Explore different jogging routes to keep things interesting. Parks, trails, and even your neighborhood can offer scenic jogging paths.
  • Track Your Progress: Keep a log of your jogs, noting the distance, duration, and how you felt. Seeing your improvement can be a powerful motivator.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Reward yourself for reaching milestones, like completing your first 5K jog!

Safety First: Tips for Safe Jogging

Safety is paramount. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Warm Up & Cool Down: Always dedicate 5-10 minutes to dynamic stretches before you start jogging and static stretches afterward.
  • Be Visible: If you jog in the early morning or evening, wear reflective clothing and consider a headlamp or armband light.
  • Jog in Well-Lit Areas: Choose well-lit paths, especially if you're jogging alone.
  • Listen to Your Surroundings: Avoid using headphones that completely block out traffic or your surroundings.

Jogging Beyond the Basics: Taking it to the Next Level

As you become a more seasoned jogger, you can start to challenge yourself:

  • Increase Distance: Gradually extend the duration of your jogs, aiming to increase the distance by no more than 10% per week.
  • Interval Training: Introduce periods of faster jogging interspersed with your regular jogging pace. This helps build speed and endurance.
  • Join a Running Group: Consider joining a local running group for support, camaraderie, and training advice.

Remember, jogging is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process, celebrate your achievements, and listen to your body. Happy jogging!

Find Your Calm: Using Visualization to Lower Blood Pressure

Feeling stressed? That tightness in your chest and racing heart could be a sign of high blood pressure. While medication plays a crucial role in managing hypertension, there are complementary techniques you can explore to promote relaxation and potentially lower your blood pressure naturally. One such technique is visualization.

How Visualization Works

Visualization involves creating mental images and engaging your senses to imagine a calming scenario. Studies suggest that focusing on peaceful settings can trigger the body's relaxation response, lowering your heart rate and blood pressure.

Here's a guided visualization you can try:

Find a quiet, comfortable place and close your eyes. Take a few slow, deep breaths, feeling your belly rise and fall with each inhalation and exhalation.

Imagine yourself in a peaceful setting. Perhaps it's a serene beach with gentle waves lapping at the shore, or a quiet forest bathed in sunlight. Focus on the sights, sounds, and smells of this environment.

Feel the calmness of this place seep into your body. Imagine your muscles loosening, your heart beating steadily, and your breath flowing effortlessly.

With each exhale, visualize tension leaving your body.

Spend a few minutes in this peaceful state, then gently bring yourself back to the present moment.

Tips for Success

Practice regularly: Like any skill, visualization takes practice. Aim for 5-10 minutes a day, ideally before bed or during stressful times.

Engage your senses: The more vivid your visualization, the more impactful it will be.

Find what works for you: Experiment with different scenarios until you discover a visualization that brings you the most peace.

Combine with deep breathing: Deep, slow breaths further enhance the relaxation response.

Remember: Visualization is not a replacement for medical advice. If you have high blood pressure, consult your doctor to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. However, visualization can be a powerful tool to complement your existing regimen and promote overall well-being.

So, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and find your calm. Your body will thank you for it.

Choosing the right equipment for hot stone massage

Unlocking Deep Relaxation: Choosing the Best Equipment for Your Hot Stone Massage Journey

Ah, the hot stone massage. Few spa treatments evoke such feelings of pure bliss and tranquility. But beyond the skilled therapist's hands, the true heroes of this experience are the stones themselves. Choosing the right equipment is essential for delivering a truly exceptional massage, whether you're a seasoned pro or a home spa enthusiast. So, dive into this guide and discover the secrets to unlocking the ultimate hot stone massage experience!

A luxurious hot stone massage

Stone Sensations: Finding Your Perfect Match

The foundation of any great hot stone massage lies in the stones themselves. Let's explore the top contenders:

  • Basalt: The undisputed king of massage stones, basalt retains heat beautifully, releasing it slowly and deeply into the muscles. Its smooth, polished surface glides effortlessly, providing a luxurious sensation.
  • Granite: Another reliable option, granite offers excellent heat retention and comes in a variety of textures, from smooth to slightly abrasive, catering to different preferences.
  • Jade: Renowned for its detoxifying properties and ability to emit negative ions, jade stones add an extra layer of wellness to your massage. However, they tend to be more fragile and require careful handling.

Beyond the Basics: Essential Gear for a Seamless Experience

While quality stones are paramount, a well-equipped hot stone massage therapist needs more than just rocks! Here's what else should be in your arsenal:

  • Warmer: Choose a warmer that heats stones evenly and maintains the desired temperature throughout the massage. Opt for models with automatic shut-off features for added safety.
  • Tongs and Ladle: Handling hot stones requires caution. Invest in sturdy tongs or a ladle to safely transfer and place stones without burning yourself or your client.
  • Thermometer: Ensuring stone temperature is crucial. A reliable thermometer helps you prevent discomfort and maximize the therapeutic benefits.
  • Massage Oil: A good massage oil enhances the gliding of the stones and nourishes the skin. Opt for natural, fragrance-free oils for optimal comfort.
  • Towels and Storage: Keep clean towels handy for wiping sweat and oil, and invest in a proper storage container to protect your stones between uses.

Pro Tips for Hot Stone Massage Mastery

Now that you're equipped with the right tools, let's unlock some expert tips for an unforgettable hot stone massage:

  • Know Your Heat: Aim for a comfortable temperature between 110°F and 130°F (43°C and 54°C). Always test the stones on your forearm before placing them on your client. If the stones are in direct contact with a client's skin, make sure the stones are in constant motion. Place a towel or other barrier between static stones and the client's skin. IF IN DOUBT, your stones are too hot! If you cannot hold the stones in your bare hand, it is too hot. The client may not always be able to determine if the stones are too hot, so make sure not to rely on their judgment. 
  • Start Cool: Begin with cooler stones on sensitive areas like the face and chest, gradually moving to warmer stones on larger muscle groups.
  • Listen to Your Client: Pay attention to your client's feedback and adjust pressure, stone placement, and temperature as needed.
  • Safety First: Never leave hot stones unattended and ensure proper ventilation to avoid overheating. Never leave stones resting directly on the client or leave the room during a hot stone massage.

From Novice to Nirvana: Elevate Your Hot Stone Massage Ritual

With the right equipment and knowledge, you can transform your hot stone massage into a truly transformative experience. So, whether you're a professional therapist or simply seeking ultimate relaxation at home, invest in quality tools, embrace the power of heated stones, and unlock a world of deep therapeutic bliss. Remember, the journey to hot stone massage mastery is paved with smooth, warm rocks and a touch of mindful practice.

Misclassification and Massage Therapy

 Misclassified as Sex Workers: The Struggle of Massage Therapists

*This blog post was written with the help of AI and Google Bard but also includes my own personal experiences of dealing with discrimination at Wells Fargo.

Massage therapists are essential members of the healthcare community, providing relief from pain, muscle tension, and stress. However, they often face challenges in obtaining financing and maintaining positive credit scores due to a widespread misclassification as sex workers by banks and other financial institutions.

This misclassification can lead to a number of problems for massage therapists, including:

  • Higher interest rates and fees
  • Difficulty obtaining loans
  • Denial of credit cards
  • Damage to credit scores

In some cases, massage therapists have even been shut down by their banks for suspected money laundering, even though their businesses are legitimate. Massage therapists should avoid having any accounts at Wells Fargo as they might, without any evidence, freeze and forcibly shut down your account and report it as "closed for cause" of suspected fraud. When this happens, their fraud department will refuse to speak with you and will treat you as if you are a criminal. You will be given no opportunity to defend yourself. Having a history of any account that is "closed for cause" is a huge red-flag for fraudulent activity. If this is documented as part of your financial history, it will often cause a snowball effect with other financial institutions. Massage therapists should beware!

The misclassification of massage therapists as sex workers is often based on outdated stereotypes and a lack of understanding of the profession. Massage therapists are licensed professionals who provide a valuable service. They should not be penalized for their chosen profession.

There are a number of things that massage therapists can do to protect themselves from misclassification, including:

  • Clearly stating the nature of their business in all communications with banks and other financial institutions.
  • Keeping detailed records of their income and expenses.
  • Obtaining professional licenses and certifications.
  • Joining professional organizations.

Massage therapists should also be aware of their rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA prohibits banks and other financial institutions from reporting inaccurate or incomplete information about consumers. If a massage therapist believes that they have been misclassified, they are advised to file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

However, there is little that the CFPB can do to help. Banks are allowed, in-fact they are even required, to make reports and keep records of any activity that they view as suspicious. These reports are kept confidential under law, so massage therapists might not even know that they are being misclassified! Since these records are confidential, there is no way for massage therapists to be able to defend themselves. They can submit a complaint to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the CFPB, but these organizations can do nothing to help because the law allows banks to legally discriminate based on assumptions without any regard to factual evidence.

The CFPB has taken steps to address the misclassification of massage therapists. In 2016, the CFPB issued a guidance document advising banks and other financial institutions to take steps to avoid misclassifying massage therapists. The CFPB has also taken enforcement actions against banks that have misclassified massage therapists.

Despite these efforts, misclassification remains a problem for many massage therapists. It is important for massage therapists to be aware of this issue and to take steps to protect themselves.

In addition to the tips above, massage therapists can also:

  • Contact their bank or financial institution directly to discuss the issue.
  • Work with other massage therapists to raise awareness of the issue.
  • Support legislation that would protect massage therapists from misclassification.

By taking these steps, massage therapists can help to ensure that they are treated fairly and that their businesses are able to thrive.

Daily Exercise and Your Immune System

Exercise and the Immune System: How to Boost Your Body's Natural Defenses

Daily exercise is important for your immune system

Your immune system is your body's defense system against infection and disease. It's a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to identify and destroy harmful invaders like bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

Exercise is one of the best things you can do to keep your immune system healthy and strong. It helps to improve the function of immune cells, increase the production of antibodies, and promote inflammation reduction.

Here are some of the specific ways that exercise benefits the immune system:

  • Increases the number and activity of white blood cells. White blood cells are the frontline soldiers of the immune system. They're responsible for finding and destroying harmful invaders. Exercise helps to increase the number and activity of white blood cells, making them better able to protect your body from infection.
  • Boosts antibody production. Antibodies are protein molecules that attach to harmful invaders and help to destroy them. Exercise helps to boost the production of antibodies, making your body more resistant to infection.
  • Reduces inflammation. Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection. However, chronic inflammation can suppress the immune system and make you more susceptible to illness. Exercise helps to reduce inflammation and promote immune health.
  • Improves circulation. Circulation is essential for the immune system to function properly. Exercise helps to improve circulation by increasing heart rate and blood flow. This helps to ensure that immune cells and other important molecules can travel throughout the body and do their job.
  • Reduces stress. Stress can weaken the immune system and make you more susceptible to illness. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your mood. This can lead to better immune function and overall health.

How much exercise do you need to boost your immune system?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. Children and adolescents should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.

Any type of exercise is beneficial for the immune system, but some types are more effective than others. Aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming, and biking, is particularly good for boosting the immune system. Strength training is also beneficial, but it's important to note that it can temporarily suppress the immune system after a workout.

Tips for getting the most out of your workouts

  • Warm up before you start exercising. This will help to prepare your body for activity and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Cool down after you finish exercising. This will help your body to recover and prevent muscle soreness.
  • Listen to your body and don't overdo it. If you're feeling tired or sore, take a break.
  • Make exercise a regular part of your routine. Aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.


Exercise is a great way to boost your immune system and protect yourself from illness. By exercising regularly, you can help to increase the number and activity of white blood cells, boost antibody production, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and reduce stress. All of these factors can contribute to a stronger and more resilient immune system.


Ocean Safety Tips

Ocean Safely on the North Shore of Oahu

Photo by justasurferdude via Pixabay

The North Shore of Oahu is a world-renowned destination for surfers. With its stunning beaches and world-class waves, it's no wonder that surfers from all over the globe flock to this idyllic spot. However, surfing on the North Shore can be dangerous, even for experienced surfers. 

Here are a few tips to help you surf safely on the North Shore:

  • Know the surf conditions. The waves on the North Shore can be huge and powerful, and they can change quickly. If you're not sure what the surf conditions are like, talk to a local surfer or check the surf report before you go out. 
  • Surf with a buddy. It's always safer to surf with a friend or family member. If you get into trouble, they can help you get back to shore. 
  • Be aware of the currents. The currents on the North Shore can be strong, and they can carry you away from shore. If you get caught in a current, don't try to fight it. Instead, swim parallel to the shore until you can get out of the current. 
  • Wear a leash. A leash will help you stay connected to your board if you wipe out. 
  • Be prepared for anything. Even if you're an experienced surfer, things can go wrong when you're out in the water. Be prepared for anything by bringing a first-aid kit, sunscreen, and a hat.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your surfing experience on the North Shore is a safe and enjoyable one.

Additional tips

Stay hydrated. The sun can be very strong on the North Shore, so it's important to stay hydrated. Bring plenty of water with you, and drink it often.

Wear sunscreen. The sun's rays are very strong on the North Shore, so it's important to wear sunscreen. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, and reapply it every two hours.

Wear a hat. A hat will help protect your face and neck from the sun.

Be respectful of the locals. The North Shore is a popular destination for surfers, but it's also a home to many locals. Be respectful of the locals by following their rules and regulations.

Don't litter. The North Shore is a beautiful place, so don't litter. Take your trash with you when you leave.

When swimming in Hawaii, remember the following safety tips

1. Swim only at beaches with lifeguards. The North Shore is home to some of the most dangerous beaches in the world, and even the most experienced swimmers can get into trouble. If you're not sure whether a beach is safe, ask a lifeguard.

2. Be aware of the surf conditions. The waves on the North Shore can be huge, and they can change quickly. If you're not comfortable swimming in big waves, stay out of the water.

3. Swim with a buddy. It's always safer to swim with a friend or family member. If you get into trouble, they can help you get back to shore.

4. Wear a life jacket. If you're not a strong swimmer, a life jacket can help you stay afloat.

5. Be aware of the currents. The currents on the North Shore can be strong, and they can carry you away from shore. If you get caught in a current, don't try to fight it. Instead, swim parallel to the shore until you can get out of the current.

6. Stay out of the water during high surf. The waves on the North Shore are especially dangerous during high surf. If you see a red flag flying, stay out of the water.

7. Listen to the lifeguards. The lifeguards on the North Shore are there to keep you safe. If they tell you to do something, do it.

8. Respect the ocean. The ocean is a powerful force, and it can be dangerous. Don't underestimate its power.

By following these tips, you can stay safe on the beaches on the North Shore of Oahu.

How to give a reflexology foot massage


Reflexology is a type of massage that uses pressure to stimulate specific points on the feet. These points correspond to different parts of the body, and when they are stimulated, they can help to relieve pain, improve circulation, and promote relaxation.


Image by Ryan Hoyme via Pixabay

If you're interested in giving a reflexology foot massage, there are a few things you'll need to do to prepare. First, you'll need to find a comfortable place to give the massage. A bed or a chair will work well. You'll also need to have some massage oil or lotion on hand.


Once you're prepared, you can start by massaging the soles of the feet. Use your thumbs to apply gentle pressure to the reflex points. You can also use your fingers to apply pressure. As you massage, be sure to focus on the areas around the toes, the arches, and the heels.


After you've massaged the soles of the feet, you can move on to the tops of the feet. Use your thumbs to apply gentle pressure to the reflex points on the top of the feet. You can also use your fingers to apply pressure. As you massage, be sure to focus on the areas around the ankles, the arches, and the toes.


Once you've massaged both the soles and the tops of the feet, you can finish by massaging the heels. Use your thumbs to apply gentle pressure to the reflex points on the heels. You can also use your fingers to apply pressure. As you massage, be sure to focus on the areas around the ankles, the arches, and the toes.


Here are the steps on how to give a reflexology massage:

  1. Prepare your tools. You will need a comfortable chair or bench, a pillow, and a blanket. You may also want to use a massage oil or lotion.
  2. Wash your hands. It is important to wash your hands before and after giving a reflexology massage.
  3. Relax the recipient. Ask the recipient to sit in a comfortable position and close their eyes. You may want to play some calming music or dim the lights.
  4. Start with the feet. Sit at the foot of the recipient's chair or bench and place your hands on the top of their feet. Use your thumbs to apply gentle pressure to the areas between the bones, known as the reflex points.
  5. Work your way up the legs. Continue to apply pressure to the reflex points as you work your way up the legs. You can use your fingers or thumbs to apply pressure.
  6. Work on the hands. When you reach the hands, apply pressure to the reflex points on the back of the hands. You can also use your fingers to apply pressure to the webs between the fingers.
  7. Finish with the head. When you reach the head, apply pressure to the reflex points on the scalp. You can also use your fingers to apply pressure to the temples and forehead.
  8. Ask the recipient how they feel. After you are finished, ask the recipient how they feel. They may feel relaxed and refreshed.
  9. Clean up. After you are finished, clean up any oils or lotions that you may have used.

Here are some tips for giving a reflexology massage:

  • Use gentle pressure. You should use gentle pressure when applying pressure to the reflex points. Too much pressure can be painful.
  • Be patient. It may take some time for the recipient to feel the benefits of the massage. Be patient and continue to apply pressure to the reflex points.
  • Listen to your body. If you feel tired or sore, take a break. You can always come back to the massage later.
  • Have fun! Reflexology can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience for both you and the recipient.


After you've finished massaging the feet, you can ask the recipient how they feel. They may feel relaxed and refreshed. If you're interested in learning more about reflexology, there are many resources available online and in libraries.


Here are some benefits of reflexology foot massage:

  • Relaxation: Reflexology can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Pain relief: Reflexology can help to relieve pain in the feet, legs, and back.
  • Improved circulation: Reflexology can help to improve circulation throughout the body.
  • Improved sleep: Reflexology can help to improve sleep quality.
  • Increased energy: Reflexology can help to increase energy levels.
  • Improved overall health: Reflexology can help to improve overall health and well-being.


If you're looking for a way to relax and improve your health, reflexology foot massage is a great option. With a little practice, you can learn to give a reflexology foot massage that will benefit both you and the recipient.

How to give your partner a massage


Image by mohamed_hassan via Pixabay

Giving a massage is a great way to show someone you care. It can also be a relaxing and enjoyable experience for both you and the recipient.

If you're thinking about giving a massage, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you'll need to decide what kind of massage you want to give. There are many different types of massages, each with its own benefits.

Once you've decided on the type of massage, you'll need to gather some supplies. You'll need a massage table, massage oil, and a towel. You may also want to use a pillow or a rolled-up towel to support the recipient's head and neck.

Now it's time to start the massage. Start by warming up the muscles on the recipient's back. You can do this by gently rubbing the muscles in a circular motion.

Once the muscles are warmed up, you can start applying pressure. The amount of pressure you apply will depend on the recipient's preferences. Start with light pressure and gradually increase as needed.

As you massage, be sure to pay attention to the recipient's body language. If they seem to be in pain, stop and adjust the pressure.

After a few minutes, you can start to focus on the recipient's neck. The neck is a particularly sensitive area, so be gentle. Use your fingertips to apply light pressure, working your way around the hairline.

Finish with a light touch. Use your fingertips to gently massage the skin on the neck. This will help to relax the muscles and leave the skin feeling soft and smooth.

After the massage, ask the recipient how they are feeling. They may feel relaxed, refreshed, or even energized.

Giving a massage is a great way to show someone you care. It can also be a relaxing and enjoyable experience for both you and the recipient. If you're thinking about giving a massage, be sure to follow these tips.

1. Types of massages

There are many different types of massages, each with its own benefits. Some popular types of massages include:

  • Swedish massage: This is a general massage that is designed to relax the muscles and improve circulation.
  • Deep tissue massage: This type of massage uses deeper pressure to release tension in the muscles and connective tissue.
  • Sports massage: This type of massage is designed to help athletes recover from injuries and improve their performance.
  • Prenatal massage: This type of massage is designed to help pregnant women relax and prepare for childbirth.
  • Reflexology: This type of massage uses pressure on specific points on the feet to stimulate different areas of the body.

2. Supplies

When giving a massage, you will need the following supplies:

  • A massage table
  • Massage oil
  • A towel
  • A pillow or a rolled-up towel

3. How to give a massage

Here are the steps on how to give a massage:

  1. Warm up the muscles. Start by warming up the muscles on the recipient's back. You can do this by gently rubbing the muscles in a circular motion.
  2. Apply pressure. The amount of pressure you apply will depend on the recipient's preferences. Start with light pressure and gradually increase as needed.
  3. Pay attention to the recipient's body language. If they seem to be in pain, stop and adjust the pressure.
  4. Focus on the recipient's neck. The neck is a particularly sensitive area, so be gentle. Use your fingertips to apply light pressure, working your way around the hairline.
  5. Finish with a light touch. Use your fingertips to gently massage the skin on the neck. This will help to relax the muscles and leave the skin feeling soft and smooth.

4. Benefits of massages

There are many benefits to receiving a massage, including:

  • Relaxation
  • Stress relief
  • Pain relief
  • Improved circulation
  • Improved flexibility
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased energy levels
  • Better skin health
  • Improved mental health

5. Safety tips

When giving a massage, it is important to follow these safety tips:

  • Always ask the recipient's permission before giving a massage.
  • If the recipient is pregnant or has any health conditions, be sure to consult with a doctor before giving a massage.
  • Be gentle when applying pressure.
  • Avoid applying pressure to the spine or other sensitive areas.
  • Stop the massage if the recipient feels any pain.

6. How to find a massage therapist

If you are looking for a professional massage therapist, you can find one by searching online or in the phone book. You can also ask your doctor or your friends for recommendations.

Breathwork Techniques: Alternate Nostril Breathing


Image by John Hain via Pixabay

The History of Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate nostril breathing (ANB), also known as nadi shodhana, is a yogic breathing technique that has been practiced for centuries. It is a simple yet powerful way to calm the mind and body, and it can be used to reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

The history of ANB is long and winding. It has been used in ancient Indian texts such as the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, and it is also mentioned in the Bible. In the West, ANB first became popular in the 1960s, when it was introduced by Leonard Orr, a pioneer of rebirthing breathwork.

Orr discovered ANB while experimenting with different breathing patterns. He found that it helped to calm his mind and body, and he began to teach it to others. ANB quickly became popular among yogis and meditators, and it has since been adopted by people of all backgrounds.

The Benefits of Alternate Nostril Breathing

There are many benefits to ANB. It can help to:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve sleep
  • Boost energy levels
  • Improve concentration
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Improve overall well-being

ANB works by balancing the energy in the body. When you breathe through alternate nostrils, you are essentially stimulating the two sides of your brain and the two hemispheres of your nervous system. This can help to improve your mood, reduce stress, and improve your overall health.

How to Do Alternate Nostril Breathing

There are many different ways to do ANB, but the basic technique is as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed.
  2. Place your right hand on your right knee.
  3. Use your left thumb to close your left nostril.
  4. Inhale slowly and deeply through your right nostril.
  5. Exhale slowly and completely through your left nostril.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5, but this time use your right thumb to close your right nostril.
  7. Continue this pattern for 5-10 minutes, or until you feel relaxed and calm.

If you are new to ANB, you may find it helpful to use a timer to help you keep track of the time. You can also use a finger or a cotton ball to block your nostrils if you don't have a thumb.


Alternate nostril breathing is a simple yet powerful way to improve your health and well-being. If you are looking for a way to reduce stress, improve sleep, or boost your energy levels, ANB is a great option to try.

The Five Tibetan Exercises

The Five Tibetan Exercises are a series of five exercises that are said to be beneficial for the mind, body, and soul. The exercises are said to be easy to do and can be done anywhere. The Five Tibetan Exercises were popularized in America by Peter Kelder. 

Kelder was a student of Tibetan Buddhism and he learned the exercises from his teacher, Sogyal Rinpoche. Kelder wrote a book about the exercises called "The Five Tibetan Rites" and it became a bestseller, introducing this simple set of exercises to people around the world.

Photo by Laura Juarez via Pixbay

Kelder's book helped to introduce the Five Tibetan Exercises to a wider audience and they have become a popular form of exercise for people of all ages. The exercises are said to be beneficial for a variety of reasons, including improving flexibility, increasing strength, boosting energy levels, relieving stress, and improving circulation.

The Five Tibetan Rites

1. Spining

Stand with your feet together and your arms stretched horizontally at shoulder height. Spin clockwise, with your arms outstretched and your head held high. As you spin, visualize the energy in your body swirling around and becoming more vibrant.

2. Leg raises

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, palms down. Raise your legs straight up into the air, keeping your knees straight. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower your legs back down.

3. Dynamic Camel

Come to a kneeling position. As you inhale, arch your spine, slide your hands down the back of your thighs and tip the head slightly back. Next, allow the body to come slowly down to a 'sagging' position. Bring the head up, causing it to be drawn as far back as possible.

4. Moving tabletop

Come into a seated position with your legs straight in front of you. Place your hands flat on the floor in front of your hips. As you inhale, lift your hips up off the floor, bringing your body into a straight line from your head to your heels. As you exhale, lower your hips back down to the floor.

5. Downward Dog to Upward Dog

Come into a Downward Facing Dog pose, pressing your hands into the floor and lifting your hips up and back. As you exhale, bend your knees and slowly lower your body down to the floor into a Push-up position. As you inhale, lift your body back up into a Downward Facing Dog pose.

The Five Tibetan Exercises are said to be beneficial for a variety of reasons, including:

Improving flexibility

Increasing strength

Boosting energy levels

Relieving stress

Improving circulation

Promoting overall well-being

If you are new to the Five Tibetan Exercises, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. You should also listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain.

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Breathwork Basics to Lower Blood Pressure

Breathwork is something that has helped me reduce stress and improve my overall health during hard times. Read on to learn more about the basics and stay tuned for more in-depth posts to come!

How to Use Breathwork to Lower Blood Pressure

Breathwork is a simple, yet powerful way to lower blood pressure. It can be done anywhere, anytime, and doesn't require any special equipment.

There are many different types of breathwork, but they all involve focusing on your breath and controlling your breathing pattern. Some common breathwork techniques include:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing: This is the most common type of breathwork. It involves inhaling slowly and deeply through your nose, expanding your diaphragm (the muscle below your lungs) as you do so. As you exhale, relax your diaphragm and let your breath out slowly.
  • Alternate nostril breathing: This technique involves inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through the other. You can do this by blocking one nostril with your finger or thumb.
  • Breath counting: This technique involves counting your breaths as you inhale and exhale. You can start by counting to four, and gradually increase the number as you become more comfortable.

There are many benefits to practicing breathwork, including:

  • Lower blood pressure: Breathwork can help to lower blood pressure by reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Improved sleep: Breathwork can help to improve sleep quality by reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Increased energy levels: Breathwork can help to increase energy levels by improving circulation and oxygenation.
  • Reduced pain: Breathwork can help to reduce pain by reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Improved mood: Breathwork can help to improve mood by reducing stress and anxiety.

If you are looking for a simple and effective way to lower your blood pressure, breathwork is a great option. There are many different techniques that you can use, so find one that works for you and stick with it.

How to Start Breathwork

If you're new to breathwork, there are a few things you can do to get started:

  1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You can do breathwork anywhere, but it's helpful to find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.
  2. Close your eyes and relax your body. Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body.
  3. Choose a breathwork technique. There are many different techniques that you can use, so find one that works for you.
  4. Follow the instructions. Once you've chosen a technique, follow the instructions carefully.
  5. Be patient. It takes time to learn breathwork and see results. Be patient and keep practicing.

Tips for Breathwork

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of breathwork:

  • Practice regularly. The more you practice breathwork, the more benefits you will experience. Try to practice for at least 10 minutes each day.
  • Find a technique that works for you. There are many different breathwork techniques, so find one that works for you and stick with it.
  • Be patient. It takes time to learn breathwork and see results. Be patient and keep practicing.
  • Listen to your body. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, stop practicing and take a break. You can always start again later.
  • Enjoy the experience. Breathwork can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Relax and let the benefits flow.